Fresh Cells™ Mango PFE, from Gattefossé, France. Contains nourishing and moisturizing properties derived from fresh whole Mango cells. Evens out the complexion and imparts a fresh, radiant glow. Reduces wrinkles, smooths the skin, and addresses spots and enlarged pores.
Centella Asiatica Extract. Classified as a "superfood," it offers exceptional anti-inflammatory benefits and is rich in antioxidants. Improves skin elasticity and tone. Supports natural defense mechanisms and regenerative processes. Stimulates collagen production. Helps with scars and acne.
COLLAGENA Collagen. The Bulgarian collagen hydrolysate, developed under patent, scientifically restores the skin's proper structure. Unlike other collagens that only create a superficial film on the skin, the Bulgarian patented collagen effectively targets wrinkles at a deep, molecular level. Moreover, it does not strain the skin with prolonged use, eliminating the need for constant product replacements. Let's delve into why collagen is valuable for the beauty, youthfulness, and strength of our skin. Collagen is the essential protein found in connective tissue and significantly influences the skin's condition and appearance due to its ability to exist in various forms.
During childhood and adolescence, collagen fibers run parallel to each other, allowing the skin to be elastic, flexible, and smoother in appearance. However, as we age, these collagen fibers undergo changes specific to each person. The amount of water-soluble collagen in the skin decreases, leading to modified collagen. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes loose and dry, the outermost layer thickens, and wrinkles appear. To compensate for this natural loss of soluble collagen, cosmetic products are used to supplement it. Clinical tests have proven collagen's efficacy with the following properties: it activates connective tissue metabolism and stimulates the formation of new collagen fibers.